Oolong Tea Benefits
Sep 27, 21

Oolong Tea Benefits
There are many kinds of traditionally popular teas on the market, and Oolong is one of the most recognisable teas that you can buy. This is one of the most delicious teas on the market, but you should be aware of lots of Oolong tea benefits.
If you have been looking for a really delicious and healthy tea to add to your daily routine, you will love Oolong tea. This variety of tea is a blend of light and dark teas, which makes it particularly enjoyable if you want to gain the caffeine properties of dark teas but do not enjoy their flavour.
If you want to learn more about the health benefits of Oolong Tea, read on!
What is Oolong Tea?
Oolong is a traditional tea that is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. This is the plant that is used for many dark and light tea varieties. When allowed to oxidise, you will get a dark tea from this plant, and when kept more fresh, you will get a green tea.
Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea that is partially oxidised, which leads to its higher caffeine content and lighter colour, and less robust taste. This makes it a happy medium between the two kinds of teas and can be the right answer for many people’s taste requirements.
What Kinds of Nutrients Are Found in Oolong Tea?
One of the key tea Oolong benefits is that it is full of nutrients. This is one of the best values of this kind of tea, and you can get a lot of healthy benefits from drinking this tea daily.
Each cup of your Oolong tea will offer you some calcium and magnesium as well as potassium. You will also get about 38 mg of caffeine per serving. Green tea provides about 29 mg of caffeine for a comparison.
Some of the essential antioxidants that are included in Oolong are polyphenols and theaflavins. There are also thearubigins and EGCG in Oolong tea. These are health compounds linked with reducing the risk of many disease processes and anti-ageing properties.
Some people even report that Oolong tea helps them to sleep better once the caffeine wears off. This might be due to the many healthy compounds included in the tea that you cannot get from black teas, which have been oxidised to increase their potency and caffeine content. Black teas still have some of these health benefits, but they are somewhat reduced.
Green teas will often be the least flavourful teas due to the lack of oxidation that is done to them during processing, but Oolong falls in the middle on the taste and caffeine spectrum. This makes it a happy blend for those seeking a little bit of caffeine and a good night’s sleep later in the day.
Oolong has also been linked with relaxation and cognitive performance improvements due to the L-theanine that it contains. This powerful combination of health factors can lead to each cup of Oolong tea being the difference between a healthy diet and one that is not taking care of all of your health needs on a daily basis.
Some people even report that Oolong tea helps them to sleep better once the caffeine wears off. This might be due to the many healthy compounds that are included in the tea that you cannot get from black teas, which have been oxidised to increase their potency and caffeine content.
Green teas will often be the least flavourful teas due to the lack of oxidation that is done to them during processing, but Oolong falls in the middle on the taste and caffeine spectrum. This makes it a happy blend for those seeking a little bit of caffeine and a good night’s sleep later in the day.
What Are the Other Benefits of Oolong Tea?
Oolong tea has also been linked with improving insulin resistance and decreasing inflammation. Many teas from this plant have been shown to offer these properties, but Oolong has more of the necessary minerals and polyphenols connected with these health benefits.
If you have diabetes, there have been studies that have shown that Oolong tea can help you maintain your blood sugar more readily, and you will find that Oolong has also been shown to assist with weight loss which can improve diabetic outcomes as well.
Oolong tea might also benefit your heart health because of its ability to reduce blood pressure. This can help to control your cholesterol levels and maintain a lower resting heart rate. Oolong has also been connected with improvements in coronary heart disease patients who have been struggling to maintain their health with traditional therapies.
While Oolong tea imparts a dose of caffeine with each cup, it is not as caffeinated as coffee. This makes it a healthier choice for those who are caffeine sensitive or those who are kept awake by caffeine when ingested too late in the day. If you need a pick-me-up, Oolong can offer it without being too caffeinated to be enjoyed in the afternoon.
While these properties need to be studied more closely, the early signs of these benefits are very promising for those who are struggling with long-term health conditions that are hard to support with regular medicinal interventions.
Oolong Tea is Full of Health Benefits
If you have been trying to find the perfect tea for your overall health goals, Oolong could be the tea for you. This tea offers up a whole host of wonderful health benefits that will make you feel better, have more energy, and enjoy a reduced risk of some diseases and health conditions. Adding just one cup of this flavourful tea to your daily diet can improve your health many times over.
When you consider which tea to drink for your afternoon pick me up or in the morning to get your day started, keep Oolong in mind for its health benefits and delicious taste.