Best Tasting Herbal Teas
Oct 13, 20

If you are new to the herbal tea world, you might be struggling to find a tea that is not a bit strong or bitter for your virgin palate. This is normal, and everyone starts out feeling a bit overwhelmed by the flavour profile of some herbal teas. This can be especially true if you are consuming teas that are meant to provide immune system support or teas that are made for detoxification.
If you are not sure which herbal teas to try next, these teas are the best-tasting teas out there, and they will get you started on the road to drinking herbal teas as part of your daily routine!
This classic is mild and very enjoyable. It smells delightful and has a very soft and flavour that is universally liked. It is a classic taste coming from the Middle East and Africa and is decadent for all that it is so simple. Peppermint tea also helps with digestion and upset stomach.
This is a tea made from a red bush that gives it its name. This tea heralds from South Africa and has a green variety and a red variety. This is a floral tea with a soft sweetness, making it a great tea for those just getting used to herbal teas. It is also caffeine-free, making it safe to consume at all hours of the day.
This classic flavour is a citrusy and gentle experience that will wake up your mouth without offending your tastebuds. Lemon is not a flavour for everyone, but if you love lemon, this tea is going to be your new favourite! Lemon teas are aromatic more than they are flavourful, and they can help with congestion and help clear your sinuses as well.
This delightful herbal tea is made from the hibiscus flower and offers up a sharp flavour with a refreshing tinge to it. This tea can be softened with a bit of honey, but for most people, this is not needed. This tea is packed with acids and flavonoids that are good for your health as well!
This is a classic tea that offers up a stronger flavour that is still soothing and comforting. This tea serves well very hot and is perfect for soothing upset stomachs and other digestive complaints. This tea is a classic well-being tea and is a great addition to your daily self-care routine.
Always remember that herbal teas take some getting used to, so try them more than once before deciding that you do not like a variety. Once your taste buds are used to a tea, you might find that it becomes your new favourite!
If you have been wondering how to get used to the flavours of herbal teas, this list will get you started! You will find that most of these teas are a great start to your relationship with herbal teas and one, if not all of them, are sure to become your new favourite tea!