Best Herbal Teas That Help Sinus Infections
Mar 18, 21

Best Herbal Teas That Help Sinus Infections
Sinus conditions can make you feel terrible. For people who suffer from allergies and other complaints that cause a stuffy or runny nose, there is sometimes no end to their sinus complaints when allergens are in the air. If you have been struggling with sinus issues and would like to support your sinus health without reaching for an over-the-counter medication, this list of herbal teas that help sinus infections will help you be healthy and happy again!
Peppermint Tea: This classic herbal tea is great for various health concerns and is best known for its ability to calm an upset stomach. However, it can be used to help you with your congestion issues as well. This is because it contains menthol, which opens up airways and is an anti-inflammatory. For those who suffer from constant daily congestion issues, peppermint tea can help keep things at bay and decrease sinus infection instances.
Ginger Tea: Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and is well known for gastric distress and skin inflammation. Ginger tea has been shown in studies to help those with asthma while also improving sinus congestion. Ginger tea also has a great, spicy flavour profile, making it taste great, even when you are stuffed up.
Green Tea: This is the perfect tea for those who want to prevent health concerns or infections. Green tea is very high in antioxidants, and it has been shown to help with lower blood pressure, boosting brain function, and assisting with weight loss. This is a great anti-inflammatory tea, which can help alleviate nasal congestion and help keep it at bay for hours.
Turmeric Tea: This spice is also great for making teas, and it comes with the highest level of anti-inflammatory properties of any tea out there. Turmeric has been shown to help reduce the symptoms and pain associated with things like arthritis and other joint conditions, so it is more than up to the task of fighting off nasal congestion. Best of all, the strong flavour of this tea will help to clear your sinuses and wake up your sentences.
Eucalyptus Tea: This is a classic nasal decongestant that works due to its high levels of 1,8-cineole. This means that this tea will actually target the inflammation in your nose directly, working on it quickly and effectively. Eucalyptus has a strong flavour, but it is well worth drinking it if your sinus headache is gone right away.
These teas will help you get back on your feet right away and stay healthy all the time. Being able to help your body fight off nasal complaints and infections can go a long way toward improving your overall health and overall well-being. For many people, being able to prevent nasal congestion with the ease of drinking a cup of tea is a huge blessing compared to other medical solutions available to them.
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