Best Herbal Teas for Hay Fever
Oct 21, 21

Best Herbal Teas for Hay Fever
Hay fever can be a real drag. Having a runny nose and a headache and sneezing can take the fun out of any day. For those of us that love being outside during the summer, hay fever season can ruin your outdoor time and limit what you can do with your friends and family.
If you have been treating your hay fever symptoms with over the counter medications and have not had much luck improving the symptoms, these teas will help to get you on track!
Adding any of these great teas to your daily routine will make you feel better and help your body to fight off the symptoms of hay fever every day!
You will feel so much better, and you won’t be drowsy or have a dry mouth like you would when you take an over the counter allergy medication.
Lemon Balm Tea:
This lovely herb is part of the mint family, and it offers up a lovely flavour and fragrance while helping to soothe headaches and respiratory ills.
This is a great allergy season tea to help clear your sinuses and calm inflammation in the lungs and throat. It is also a mild tea that won’t keep you up at night, meaning that it can be consumed at any time of the day.
Liquorice Tea:
The root of the liquorice plant has many great health benefits, but it is well known for its anti-inflammatory effects and its antihistamine properties.
This is a great herb for your itchy or runny nose, and it will help with itchy and watery eyes as well. This is also another tea that does not have caffeine in it so that you can drink it at any time of the day.
Green Teas:
Green teas are a wonderful solution for many health conditions, and they offer up some of the best anti-inflammatory properties out there.
The quercetin in the tea blocks immune reactions to pollens and can also help stop itching in its tracks. The other benefit to this tea is that it is usually caffeinated, making it a good pick me up if your allergies are making you feel sleepy.
This is a super-powered tea that helps by delivering amazing anti-inflammatory benefits. This tea also slows the onset of symptoms, making it a good preventative if you know that you will be exposed to pollens or other allergens in the future.
Being able to stop swelling and itching in its tracks is always better than trying to get these symptoms in check after they have gotten started.
If you have allergies every year, you will be so glad to have these handy teas on your side to make sure that you get through hay fever season symptom-free.
Adding any of them to your daily routine will help keep allergy symptoms at bay and keep you energised and ready to go hiking, camping or for any other outdoor activity that you want to do during allergy season!