Best Teas for Anxiety For Teens
Oct 21, 21

Best Teas for Anxiety
Many teens report that they feel stressed daily. The pressures of after school sports, homework and social difficulties are bigger than ever and can impact every part of a teen's life.
For many, the ability to sleep and focus at school are the first things that are impacted by anxiety, and things only worsen. As a parent, it can be hard to assist your teen with this difficult time.
Thankfully, there is probably no need to take your teen to the doctor or seek medical help if you are aware that you are struggling with anxiety. If the anxiety is not leading to panic attacks or an inability to get out of bed and complete your day, there are actually some really great anxiety-reducing benefits that herbal teas can offer.
Valerian Tea:
This is a great mood-stabilising tea, and it also offers up the companion effect of hormone control. For many teens, anxiety and other stresses are largely driven by hormones which are off the charts at this time. Drinking valerian tea can also help with cramps, acne and many other teen struggles that can reduce anxiety.
Passionflower Tea:
This is a natural anxiety reducer and can be taken before bed or before experiences that will be stressful to help with relaxation.
Passionflower has also been shown in studies to help redirect focus and make the body produce less cortisol, automatically reducing its stress response.
For those who have test anxiety or sports-performance anxiety, this is a popular go-to tea to help mood regulation and focus.
Skullcap Tea:
This great tea not only helps give you a mood-boost and reduce your anxiety, but it also helps with inflammation and aches and pains.
The other great benefit to skullcap is that it can treat gastrointestinal discomforts as well, which often accompany moments of stress and tension or experiences that one feels emotional about.
Peppermint Tea:
This is a great tea for those who have a nervous stomach when they feel anxious, and it can also help to clear up acne and hydrate your hair and skin.
Best of all, this is a really yummy tea if you are not a huge tea drinker, making it an easy go-to for its natural stress-reduction benefits.
These teas will work better when paired with good meditation habits and make certain to take time away from school, video games and other distractions to go outside and exercise.
Vitamin D is a huge factor in overall well-being, and getting enough sun can actually greatly improve your feelings of anxiety.
Being able to sleep well, to focus on tasks and to avoid test anxiety will always improve your overall outlook on life.
Teens who feel like there is nothing they can do to help with their stress levels will be so glad to add these teas to their daily diets.