Goldenrod Tea Benefits
Mar 09, 21

Goldenrod is not a well-known tea, but it is a great tea to support your overall health.
This tea is made from a yellow wildflower and is added in small doses to many tea blends.
Many people have been drinking it mixed in with other teas and have not realised it.
The herb used to make Goldenrod tea is called Solidago, and its name actually means to “make whole or heal”.
This is a traditional medicinal herb used in many types of healing before the advent of more modern medicines.
The European variant of this herb is the most common one that you will have access to, and it has been the subject of most of the studies that have been done about the herb.
Goldenrod is full of plant compounds:
Goldenrod is a great source of flavonoids, antioxidants and quercetin. These compounds support overall good health and can prevent harmful bacteria growth and overpopulations of candida.
This is a great tea for those with sensitive skin, or who struggle with yeast infections anywhere in the body. Saponins have been shown to reduce cancer risk, and quercetin has been linked to a reduction in cell damage.
Getting your full needs for antioxidants and other helpful plant compounds every day is often a struggle, and Goldenrod tea can take care of these needs with a single cup a day.
Reduces Inflammation:
Goldenrod has been shown in studies to reduce inflammation, and it can help support healthy joints and healthy tissues, even post-injury.
Studies have shown that Goldenrod is as effective as aspirin in the right doses, and it provides a great way to support those in need of pain management without the use of anti-inflammatories.
Supports Urinary Tract health:
Goldenrod has been shown in studies to ward off UTIs, and it also supports healthy kidney function. This makes it a great daily supplement for those who suffer from kidney and bladder conditions and recurring infections.
Goldenrod has also been linked with healthy bladder wall function, making it a good choice for men over 40 and women in menopause.
Helps support metabolic health:
Goldenrod also offers up a really unique and wonderful benefit compared to many other herbal teas in that it supports a healthy metabolism.
Studies have shown that it helped people to lose some weight and to keep the weight off. This means that those who struggle against their metabolism can support their overall metabolic health in one easy step each day.
Goldenrod is not a well-known tea, but it clearly offers some amazing health benefits that everyone of all ages can benefit from. This tea is safe for kids and teens to drink as well, making it a great tea to give to anyone in your family.
Adding a cup of Goldenrod tea to your daily routine can help you to stay healthy, happy and energetic every day!