Ancient Greek Goddess of Persuasion and Seductive Speech, Peitho
Jun 30, 22

Ancient Greek Goddess of Persuasion and Seductive Speech, Peitho
Persuasion is one of the most important skills we have as human beings. It’s been said that an intelligent person knows how to listen and a wise person knows how to talk.
And that’s especially true for people in positions of authority or those who want to influence others. In ancient Greek mythology, the goddess Peitho was the goddess of persuasive speech and seductive or persuasive speaking mannerisms.
According to one story, Zeus fell madly in love with her; in another story they were just friends, which is why Peitho also became known as Aglaea (the Good One).
Either way, she had no interest in marrying him so they made a deal: if he left her alone she would help him find beautiful mortal women for bridegrooms (characters such as Odysseus and Aeneas are both believed to be descendants of her).
Since Zeus was the king of gods it’s not surprising that he struck gold wherever he looked – so much so that his wife Hera got jealous and decided to make him leave.
As punishment, Hera ordered all the perfect mortal women on earth to be born hideous so Zeus would stop looking for them… except at Peitho. Peitho was a goddess from Boeotia in central Greece who lived at least two thousand years ago.
She was also known as ‘The Goddess Who Encourages Wise Advice’ and was also prayed to when things were difficult.
Greek Goddess of Persuasion - Peitho and Her Powers
Peitho was the daughter of Zeus and Persephone, the goddess of the underworld, who was also his sister. Peitho was not only the goddess of persuasion but of eloquence and had blue eyes that could make anyone listen to her.
Beyond her powers as a human, Peitho was also a goddess of birds such as doves and swans, which may be one reason she was associated with birdsong.
She had many magical powers, such as the ability to make mortals’ dreams come true. In ancient Greece, Peitho was also believed to be the goddess who helped with oracles and predictions. She was sometimes called upon to answer questions about the future, reveal the truth or provide advice.
Peitho’s strength was her ability to make people understand her arguments and accept her ideas without being too forceful or rude. She was also believed to be able to help people find answers to their problems.
The goddess’s powers were always associated with understanding others’ points of view and using this understanding to get others to accept your ideas.
The Story of Peitho and Zeus
Peitho was the daughter of Zeus and Persephone, the goddess of the underworld. According to one story, Zeus fell madly in love with her; in another story they were just friends, which is why Peitho also became known as Aglaea (the Good One).
Either way, she had no interest in marrying him so they made a deal: if he left her alone she would help him find beautiful mortal women for bridegrooms (characters such as Odysseus and Aeneas are both believed to be descendants of her).
Since Zeus was the king of gods it’s not surprising that he struck gold wherever he looked – so much so that his wife Hera got jealous and decided to make him leave.
As punishment, Hera ordered all the perfect mortal women on earth to be born hideous so Zeus would stop looking for them… except at Peitho.
A Short Myth about Peitho and Her Sisters, the Muses
There were two goddesses who Peitho was often associated with, the Muses and the Graces. The Muses were the goddesses of poetry, music, art and literature, who were often believed to be the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory.
They were sometimes also associated with Athena, the goddess of wisdom who was the daughter of Zeus and Persephone. The Muses were believed to be able to provide inspiration and insight that could lead to greatness in any field of human creativity or endeavor.
The Graces were a group of beautiful goddesses who helped people use their powers of persuasion to be more attractive. They were often portrayed as being younger than the Muses but older than Peitho. The Graces were often associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, who was also believed to have married wine god, Adonis.
What You Should Know About Persuasion
Understanding how people’s minds work and how to use your powers of persuasion effectively are important skills for everyone, not just the beautiful people at parties.
They’re also skills that can be learned by anyone who wants to improve their communication skills and become more persuasive in their careers and in daily life. Persuasion is a powerful tool in human interactions.
When you want others to do something, you can use persuasion to help them understand your idea more clearly, accept your ideas more easily and therefore make a decision that you find more acceptable.
In both professional and personal settings, persuasion is often used to influence a decision. There are many different types of persuasion, including:
How to Be More Persuasive as a Person
There are a lot of factors that play into the decision-making process at any given moment, but one important one is your delivery. Many people think that just because they have great ideas, they can just speak and people will sit up and take notice.
Unfortunately, that’s not true. People don’t just listen to you, they listen to how you say what you say. If you’re unclear, impatient, nervous, or just groaning through your presentation, then you’re probably not going to persuade anyone. If you want to be more persuasive in your speech, you need to keep these things in mind.
First of all, you need to be clear about what you’re trying to say. Make sure you understand your own ideas first and make sure that you’re explaining your ideas in a clear and concise manner.
Second, remember that persuasion doesn’t just come from being forceful or aggressive; it comes from confidence and self-assurance.
If you’ve ever wondered what exactly a goddess of persuasion is or what exactly persuasion is, you’ve come to the right place. Peitho was a goddess of persuasion who helped Zeus find beautiful mortal women for bridegrooms.
She wasn’t just beautiful, she was intelligent and wise as well – traits that are important for anyone trying to persuade others. And she wasn’t just a goddess of persuasion, she was a goddess of eloquence and had blue eyes that could make anyone listen to her arguments.