Enyo: The Goddess of War in Ancient Greece
Jun 27, 22

Enyo: The Goddess of War in Ancient Greece
Enyo is a Greek goddess of war. She was considered to be the goddess of battle and victory, which makes sense since she is often depicted with a sword in one hand and an apple in another.
She was also known as the Forgiving Goddess since she would forgive those who returned from war having died honourably (and not because they were captured or enslaved). Enyo is believed to have originally been an Amazon warrior goddess.
A sacred tribe of women with special powers lived among the ancient Greeks, fighting alongside men on battlefields.
The Amazons are not only famous for being the first matriarchal society, but also for being the first nation to issue coins and establish standard weights and measures.
Despite her violent reputation, Enyo is often depicted as a benevolent goddess. Some depictions show her smiling while others show her holding an apple or grapes as symbols of fertility and abundance.
Her symbols often include snakes because she was believed to have conquered snakes through courage and cunningness. In some myths, Enyo married Hephaestus (the god of Smithcraft) after he helped her overcome jealousy issues towards Hera (wife of Zeus).
You might recognise this story if you’ve ever used clay Ovens when making Greek pastries like baklava or phyllo dough pie pezesies; this is where that story originates from!
Who Was Enyo?
Enyo was the passion goddess. Men were enraptured by her beauty and women were driven to battle by her jealousy. She was the daughter of the war god Ares.
When her father was absent, she took up the role of protector, watching over the Amazons.
A fierce goddess who is associated with war. Women fascinated by her beauty were driven to battle by her jealousy, but she was also the daughter of Ares, the god of war.
Enyo's mythology is mostly unknown, but some legends are believed. One is that she was the daughter of Ares, who was the god of war. Another is that she was a woman from the Amazon tribe, who was captured and enslaved by the Greeks.
The Greeks sometimes depicted her as a warrior woman with a sword in one hand and an apple in the other to symbolise that she was a goddess of victory.
Meaning of Enyo's name
In Greek mythology, Enyo was the daughter of Ares, the god of war. She was also the goddess of vengeance and death.
The meaning of her name is “to be angry” or “to be furious with rage,” which is probably why she was associated with war.
Why is the goddess associated with war?
Whether she was the daughter of Ares or was an Amazon, Enyo was a goddess of war. Some stories say she was a female warrior who led men into battle and even killed Ares, who was her father.
She was also considered to be the goddess of vengeance and death. Thus, she was often depicted holding a sword and an apple because of the symbolism behind each item.
Women have been associated with war throughout history. According to legend, the Amazons, a tribe of women with special powers, lived among the ancient Greeks, fighting alongside men on battlefields.
There are even stories of men from the Greek tribe of Thermodon becoming female warriors. In today’s world, women are not only taking up combat roles but also leading the charge in military operations and in political and civilian leadership positions.
And, a new book by Erin Manning, entitled “The Athena Factor” explores how these women are paving the way for a more civilised society.