9 Muses Greek Goddesses to Inspire and Motivate You
Jun 26, 22

9 Muses Greek Goddesses to Inspire and Motivate You
The Muses are nine goddesses who inspire creativity. They’re known as the muses because they give inspiration to those who seek to create something new. The muses were originally part of a group of pre-Olympic gods called the “Maiads.""
These were nymphs, spirits of natural springs and streams, who were considered the source of their waters. Each maiad had her own individual name and function, but together they made up the whole community of maiads. Aristotle wrote about them in his book “Categories," and they appear frequently in Greek literature and art from that time onward.
The Romans had different names for each muse, but the functions remained the same. These nine goddesses are:
Calliope was the muse of Epic poetry. She was the eldest of the muses and the only one who was married. Her husband was either the river god Styx or the god of the same name. Calliope was the mother of the poet Orpheus.
When you think of epic poetry, it’s no surprise that the first muse that comes to mind is Calliope. Epic poetry is an expansive form of writing that stretches across time, exploring themes like war, nature, and love.
It’s the kind of writing that can take on a grandiose scale, and it makes sense that the muse of epic poetry would be a grand and impressive figure herself. She’s often depicted as either wearing a wreath of laurel leaves or dressed in purple robes.
Clio was the muse of History. She was associated with the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. History is the record of past events, and the closest thing we have to an objective form of truth.
That’s why the muse of history is also the muse of ethics. It’s thought that the word “ethics” comes from the word “logic,” which is the study of reasoning. There’s a reason why these two subjects are so often linked together.
There’s no way to know for sure what really happened in the past. It’s always open to interpretation and value judgments. Ethics are the principles that guide our actions and determine what is right and what is wrong.
These two subjects go hand-in-hand because they both deal with looking back on the past and trying to make sense of it. Clio’s symbols are the laurel leaves and the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Erato was the muse of Love poetry. She’s often depicted holding a cup of wine. Love isn’t just a feeling, it’s also a drive that steers people’s actions. Love poetry explores this aspect of love, the part that makes people do crazy things.
It also explores other aspects of love, like the way it brings people together and helps them grow. Erato was the muse who inspired erotic love poetry. That doesn’t mean she’s the muse of sexual love, though.
Another muse, Aphrodite, is the muse of sexual love. Erato’s love poetry explored other kinds of love, like the love between friends and family members, or the love between artistic collaborators. Her symbols are the lyre and a rose.
Euterpe was the muse of Music. Her name literally means “delight.” Euterpe was the muse of all kinds of music, especially vocal music. She was associated with the nine-stringed kithara, a type of stringed instrument.
Her symbol was the kithara. Musical theory is the study of how music works. It’s a combination of math and art, and it’s the perfect subject for a muse who is equally fascinated by both of those things.
The symbol of the kithara makes sense, too, since it’s the instrument that has been associated with her since the beginning. Euterpe inspires artists who work with music, like composers and singers.
Melpomene was the muse of Tragedy. Tragedy is a type of poetry that deals with serious and often tragic themes. The appearance of Melpomene on the scene completed the set of four major types of poetry.
The other three were epic, lyric, and comedy. Melpomene was associated with the tragic figure, Heracles. This was appropriate, since Hercules was a tragic figure. He accomplished great feats but was a tragic hero because he had to endure so much suffering in order to do so. Melpomene is the dark muse, the one who inspires artists who explore tragic themes.
She’s the muse of tragedy, but she’s also the muse of activism. Artists who explore tragic themes use their work to make a difference in the world.
Polyhymnia was the muse of Sacred poetry. Sacred poetry is inspired by religious themes and texts. This is different from religious poetry, though. Religious poetry is poetry about religion. Religious poetry is poetry that promotes a particular religious message.
Sacred poetry is more mystical and less direct than religious poetry. Polyhymnia was associated with the oracle at Delphi. The oracle at Delphi was a famous source of mystical and prophetic advice. Many artists and scientists have claimed that their work is inspired by the muses.
The muses aren’t responsible for all creative work. They are responsible, though, for inspiring creative work that has a spiritual significance. This may seem less impressive than inspiring more visible forms of creative work. It’s actually more important, though.
Terpsichore was the muse of Dance. Her name literally means “the delight of the soul.” Terpsichore was the muse of all types of dance, from the most formal and ritualistic dance to the most informal and casual dance.
She was associated with the city of Athens and the god Dionysus. Dance is an art form that has been around for thousands of years, and it’s always been associated with religious and spiritual practices.
It’s appropriate, then, that one of the muses is the muse of dance. Artists who work in the field of dance are very lucky, since they are inspired by a muse who is equally as passionate about their work as they are.
Thalia was the muse of Comedy. She was also the goddess of comedy and was associated with the city of Athens. Comedy is a light-hearted form of entertainment that pokes fun at serious or high-minded subjects.
Thalia was the muse who inspired comedians to poke fun at the world and at themselves. She was also a patron of young artists, especially poets. Thalia is the muse who inspires artists who try to see the humour in everything.
They don’t just poke fun at serious subjects, they look at the world around them and find the humour in everything. This includes themselves, their mistakes, and their own imperfections.
Comedy is all about seeing the world around you as it is, warts and all, and finding humour in it. This is what Thalia inspires in artists.
Urania was the muse of Astronomy. Her name literally means “heavenly.” Astronomy is the study of the cosmos, the nature of space and time, and the formation of the universe. It’s not just a science, though; it’s a source of awe and wonder for many people.
It’s appropriate, then, that the muse of astronomy is also the muse of poetry. Urania was associated with the Temple of Concord in Athens. Concord is harmony and peace, two things that are necessary for poets to bring their work to completion without distraction.
Astronomy is an art that requires the careful study of many different and often conflicting theories. This requires a poet’s ability to put things into perspective and select the theories that best serve their own work.
These nine goddesses are a great source of inspiration for artists and creatives. They each have their own unique personality, style, and approach.