Kronos: The Titan of Time, King of the Gods, Retold in Modern Greek Mythology
Jul 03, 22

Kronos: The Titan of Time, King of the Gods, Retold in Modern Greek Mythology
Kronos is the Titan of Time, King of the Gods and the eldest of all Titans. He was the son of Ouranos and Ge. He had three brothers: Khronos, Koios and Epipteo.
Kronos married his sister Rhea and fathered six kids with her. Their names were Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Dionysus. Kronos lost his parents at an early age when Ouranos took his wife Ge to be with him in the Underworld.
Ouranos was angry that his wife had become pregnant by a mortal so he chained her up in Tartaros after banishing Kronos to Olympos as punishment. It was only after years passed by did they realize they missed each other and they went back to see their father again.
Fearing that he would lose his children if he came out from Tartaros once again, Ouranos made sure no human ever saw him or heard his voice again outside of Olympos.
This is where Kronos got his name because upon seeing what happened with his mother inside Tartaros he called out for help from all the Titans to free them from their prison so that one day he could take over rule as
Role of Time in Greek Mythology
Time is central to many of the myths we learn from ancient Greece. Time is a recurring motif in The Iliad and The Odyssey. In The Odyssey, the gods are constantly fighting amongst themselves about who gets to rule over the other gods.
In The Iliad, time is used as a framing device. We discover that events that have taken place in The Iliad have also taken place at other times in the past. The most obvious use of time in Greek mythology is how it is used in the Titanomachy.
This is when the Gods and Titans fought against each other. In this battle, Zeus was victorious and was able to take over the universe that was ruled over by the Titans.
The Story of Chronos and Zeus
In the beginning, there was Chaos. Then came Ouranos, the Sky and Ge, the Earth. They had a son together named Cronos. Soon after, Ouranos and Ge were separated by Gaia, the Earth. Cronos, still not happy with being trapped on the Earth, decided to try to free his father.
He trapped his mother in Tartaros with her sisters and brothers. This continued until Metis, the Titaness of Forethought, had a son called Iapetus. After she gave birth to him, she warned Cronos that one day he would be overthrown by his own son. Cronos was not very pleased with this and swallowed Metis whole.
When Iapetus grew up, he managed to free his father by cutting off Cronos’ genitals. Iapetus then took control of the Sky and ruled over it as well. This is where Zeus (see below) got his power from.
Kronos Revolt and the Final Day Before Nightfall
Cronos was the youngest of all the Titans. He was so afraid of being overthrown that he told his brothers, Koios and Khronos, to keep watch over him. These brothers loved their brother and disobeyed his orders. This was the start of the revolt of the Titans.
Many people believe that Cronos had three sons and one daughter with his wife Rhea. Their names were Zeus, Hestia, Demeter and Hera. Kronos had many more children with different women than those mentioned above.
Only one of those children was a son, Dionysus. One day, the brothers decided to go to war against each other. While they were away, Cronos ate all the seeds that were meant for the fruits that would come next year.
At the same time, he gave birth to a girl named Iapetos. When the brothers returned and found that they were no longer king of the universe, they were shocked and worried. They knew that, if they ate their own children, nothing would ever happen to them again.
Cronos swallowed his sons and his wife Rhea. While the other Titans fled, Kronos and his mother Ge stayed behind. He was now the only Titan left in the universe. The world was now kept safe by one Titan. The gods were also worried about what would happen to them now that the Titans were gone. Hera and Poseidon had children and they wanted them to be safe.
Demeter was worried that her daughter Persephone would be eaten by Hades, who was now king of the Underworld. To make sure that the children were safe, the gods decided to hold a festival every year.
During this festival, the gods would give offerings to the gods and the Titans would be remembered. The one thing that the gods did not want to happen was for the Titans to be forgotten.
Zeus Conquered and Shakes the World With His Rage
After Rhea gave birth to Zeus, she came to him and told him about his origins. When he was a boy, he discovered that his father Cronos was hiding in a cave. He also learned that Cronos was planning to eat him. Now that he knew what was going on, Zeus took his father to court.
In case the jury decided that they didn't want to give Cronos the punishment he deserved, Zeus swallowed him whole. This is where Zeus got his power from. Zeus did many things with his power.
He took control over Mount Olympus by shaking the mountain and scattering the gods' homes. He also defeated the Titans that were in the Underworld.
He took over the Underworld by casting his old enemies down into Tartaros. Zeus was the king of the gods and ruled with a strong hand. When night falls on the earth, Zeus shakes the heavens and knocks down the stars. This is where he gets his power from. Night came to earth because of Zeus.
How Kronos Took Over The Universe
Kronos was the Titan that ruled over time. He was the son of Ouranos and Ge, the Titan of the Earth. He had three brothers: Khronos, Koios and Epipteo. Kronos married his sister Rhea and fathered six kids with her.
Their names were Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Dionysus. Cronos was the king of the Titans and he could control the universe. He decided that he would be the ruler and that his son, Zeus, would be the one to watch over him. His plan was to eat his children and Rhea when they were born.
He would then rule the world and no one would be able to overthrow him. When he had eaten all his children, he would have nothing to worry about.
How Kronos Destroyed Olympus and Became Lord of the Universe
After the Titanomachy, Zeus, who had swallowed his father, Cronos, took his place as king of the gods. Kronos then decided that it was time to overthrow Zeus. He started a war against them and, once they were defeated, took control of the universe.
He then went to Mount Olympos where his father had his throne. He destroyed it and then sat down in its place. The throne that Kronos sat on was made of gold and it was the strongest thing in the universe. Even the gods were afraid of it. It was built by the Titan, Kratos, and it had taken him many years and many tries to build.
The Titans wouldn't allow him to build it for them because they thought it would be a waste of time.
The Destruction of the Kratos Throne and the End of Time
After he overthrew Zeus, Kronos was very powerful. He destroyed Mt. Olympos and then sat down in its place. Then, the Titan, Rhadamanthus, sent for his father and called for him to come and build a new throne for Kronos. When he was building it, he built a seat of stone.
When it was filled with blood, it became the strongest seat in the world. After he destroyed Olympos and devoured his children and wife, he was very powerful. Kronos wanted to rule the universe forever.
He wanted to rule over the same thing that he ruled over before. He wanted to destroy the universe with blood. He wanted to keep the Earth dark and cold, and he wanted to keep people locked up like animals in the underworld.
He wanted to rule the same way that he had before. He wanted to destroy something with his blood and he wanted to destroy the universe by splitting it