Best Herbal Treatments for Your Nerves
Oct 11, 20

Anxiety can be hard to grapple with. For many people, the stress of daily life, work and family pressures can lead to anxiety that just won’t quit. As life grows more complicated and challenging, many people are looking for ways to help themselves to relax at the end of the day or to fight off an attack of emotion after a stressful incident.
If you have been feeling more stressed than usual lately, you are not alone! These herbal treatments will help you to calm your nerves and improve your outlook on life! Adding a daily dose of calming substances to your life can help with mood regulation, improved outlook and stress-free reactions!
Kava Kava: This classic anti-anxiety has been used for centuries to prevent anxiety and to help to create relaxation. It is often found in pill form and has been shown to improve muscle relaxation and even mental clarity. It is not advised to mix this herb with alcohol due to its relaxing effects. If you struggle with anxiety that prevents you from sleeping, this is likely the right herbal treatment for you!
Ashwagandha: This is a very old herbal treatment that has been used to prevent ageing as well as to treat anxiety. It is said to increase energy, improve skin and to restore balance to the body. This herb appears to suppress cortisol, making you feel less tense and also helping you to control appetite and stress eating. This is a great herb to add to the mix if you are tired of being tired and tired of eating too much in order to gather your energy for daily tasks.
Passionflower: This is a wonderful anxiety treatment that offers up calming effects for those you feel restless or anxious. It has also been used to prevent performance anxiety, so it can be a great help if you have a job interview, a sporting event to go to, or any number of other possible experiences that might cause you to lose focus due to nerves. There is also evidence that this herb can treat nervous stomach complaints.
Lemon Balm: This anxiety remedy has been used since the middle ages to treat emotional distress and is just as effective today as it was then. The herb also treats stomach ailments and soothes the respiratory tract. Further benefits include mood regulation and stress reduction. It comes in a capsule form and can be added to your daily routine with your daily vitamin.
If you have been struggling with anxiety or worry over current events, your job, or your family, these herbal remedies can be found in pill form, taken in teas, or added to your food in some instances. They offer up a natural way to treat anxiety without having to take over the counter sleeping medicines and other preventatives. You will be so glad that you did yourself the favour of adding a calming herb or two to your life once you start to feel better. Imagine a life without stress each day!