The Creator of Pandora: The Goddess Who Stole the World
Jun 26, 22

The Creator of Pandora: The Goddess Who Stole the World
If you’ve seen the movie or read the book, then you know all about the famous Pandora and her infamous box. But what if we told you that there is so much more to this Greek myth?
The story of Pandora releasing evil into the world and shutting it back up again with the help of a simple and humble man might have been just that - a story.
However, there are hidden truths within this myth. And we will reveal them to you in this article.
Who is Pandora?
First of all, we need to understand who Pandora is. In the original myth, Pandora was one of the most beautiful women in the world. She was incarnated as a goddess and was the one who stole the world away from the Gods. Pandora was the daughter of the Titan woman, Metis, who was the goddess of Wisdom.
And she was the wife of the Titan god, Epimetheus. Pandora’s name means “the gift of all.” She was given this name because it was foretold that she would give the gift of all knowledge and all creative abilities to humans.
Why did Pandora open the box?
The story is told as such: On the day that Pandora was born, the Gods gathered together and decided to create a gift for her. This gift was to be a box that would hold all the evil and bad in the world.
They hoped that Pandora would open the box, and all the evil would be released into the world. Pandora was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the Gods were desperately jealous of Epimetheus.
They wanted to punish him for marrying such a beautiful woman. The Gods wanted to see what would happen when all the bad in the world was given to humans. They hoped that they would destroy one another.
What came out of the box?
Although the Gods had hoped that all the evil would be released into the world, it didn’t happen. This is because Pandora was an extremely curious woman. Epimetheus had been left the task of giving Pandora a wedding gift.
But he was curious to find out what the Gods had given his wife, so he opened the box. And when he opened the box, all the bad in the world didn’t come flying out. What came out of the box was Hope.
The real reason why Pandora closed the box
When Pandora had closed the box, all the bad in the world was still trapped inside. She had been deceived by the Gods, and she knew it. And the Gods had used her curiosity against her. Pandora felt sorry for mankind, and she wanted to give them the good things in the box.
As Pandora was about to open the box again, Hermes stopped her. He told her that if she did that, Hope would escape from the box and find a home in the human heart. And then Humans would become as powerful and as wise as the Gods.
Epimetheus saw all this happening, but he was too late. Pandora had already opened the box, and all the good in the world flew out.
The meaning behind the story of Pandora’s Box
The real meaning behind this myth is that Pandora gave the world Hope. Without that, there would be no creative abilities. There would be no love, no art, and no literature. Pandora’s Box actually represents the human heart.
The world would be a very different place if it weren’t for the gifts that Pandora brought to the world. Pandora’s Box also represents the journey that everyone is on. We all start out with an empty heart, and then we find out what’s in there. We learn things about ourselves, and we find our purpose.
Final words
The world would be a very different place if it weren’t for Pandora’s curiosity. We would have no art, no literature, and no love. But we would have Hope. So, if you’re curious, don’t be afraid to find out what’s in the box.
You might just discover that it’s the thing that you’ve been searching for your whole life. Now you know what the real story of Pandora’s Box is. It’s a story about curiosity and hope, and it just might be the thing that you’ve been searching for your whole life.