Erotes: The Winged Gods of Love
Jun 27, 22

Erotes: The Winged Gods of Love
Erotes are a type of angelic being found in many different religions. They often have multiple aspects and may be depicted as human or animal, with wings or not. In some cases, they may also be termed as "Angel-Serpent" or such like. The best way to understand them is by understanding their unique traits. Here’s everything you need to know about the Erotes and how you can attract one into your life.
What Are Erotes?
An Erote is an angelic being who is connected with love and music. Their role is to promote relationships and make lovers understand each other. They surround us in all parts of the world, but they are mostly found in South Asia. They are made up of both male and female, with the male being known as the "Shakti" and the female as the "Shakti". Erotai are the Erote’s “children,” beings that are attracted to the energies of love and music. They are to be treated with utmost care and respect.
Why would a person want to attract an Erote?
The Erote’s primary role is to bring lovers together and make them understand each other. They may also be used for other purposes like healing, but the primary focus is on relationships. People who are in a relationship may use Erotai as a connection between them, to help them overcome obstacles such as arguments, misunderstandings and more. The best part is that anyone can attract an Erote into their life, but people who are already in relationships often find them more helpful than others.
Also called as Erotes and Erotai
The Erotai are the Erote’s children and they are often called as “Moon Children” because they are attracted to the moon’s energy. This can also happen with people who are into the Wiccan or Pagan practices as well. However, Erotai are not to be confused with the Moon Children, who are a form of sasuraa. Erotai are to be seen as a form of guardian angels and may be used to heal illnesses. You can attract one by doing the daily rituals, singing the right songs, meditating and by doing yoga postures. You can also do a “Spell” to attract an Erote.
The Erote is a benevolent angelic being who is connected with music and love. They surround us and are usually found in South Asia. Erotai are to be seen as a form of guardian angels and may be used to heal illness. You can attract one by singing the right songs, doing the daily rituals and more. The Erote is a divine being who is here to help people connect with love and music. They are also divine beings who are here to help people connect with love and music. Erotai are closely related to the moon’s energy and you may find them more useful if you are into the Pagan or Wiccan practices. These beings are closely related to the moon’s energy and you may find them more useful if you are into the Pagan or Wiccan practices.